Eminent Domain Blog
Illiana Expressway Faces Unrevealed Hurdle
The proposed Illiana Corridor Expressway Project is not a done deal. Yet. The proposed 50-mile toll road--stretching from Lowell, IN ...
Sever Walker Padgitt Standing Behind Kokomo Residents Against Annexation
Attorney Tonny Storey, of Sever Walker Padgitt, stood arm and arm with residents of about 4,000 acres in Kokomo as ...
Feds Approve Chicago to St. Louis High Speed Rail Corridor
Illinois Governor Pat Quinn announced Thursday that the Federal Railroad Administration had signed off on the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) ...
INDOT to Reconstruct US 41-Lloyd Interchange
INDOT briefed the public on a proposed US 41-Lloyd Interchange Thursday in Evansville. As part of the project, all traffic ...
Citizens Emphatically Speak Out Against Ameren Three Rivers Project
A staunch, vociferous group of Marshall, IL are not going quietly into the night. At least not without a fight. ...
IL Farm Bureau Officially Opposes Rock Island Clean Line
A landowner-friendly meeting sponsored by several counties' farm bureaus drew questions and concern from local property owners, slated to be ...
IDOT Previews Macomb Northwest Bypass
IDOT officials Tuesday held a public meeting to preview and showcase the planned improvement of IL 336 in Macomb, IL. ...
Conference Says South Suburban Airport Will Continue Aggressively
The South Suburban Airport Conference (SSAC) vowed, in the wake of leader Jesse Jackson Jr.''s absence, that it will take ...