Eminent Domain & Condemnation Attorneys – Iowa
What Is Eminent Domain Law In Iowa?
Eminent domain in Iowa is when a state, local, federal, or utility group takes away the property of a landowner for a public purpose. Keep in mind, however, eminent domain is the right to take the land, while condemnation refers to the actual taking of the land. Any private land can be condemned, including retail space, farmland, a private home, and more.
Did an eminent domain notice or offer just come in the mail? You’re probably feeling shocked and helpless—but try not to panic. Know that a team of eminent domain attorneys in Iowa is ready to serve you.
Here’s what to do once you get that notice:
Case Results
State: Iowa (Wapello County)
Case Type: Pipeline takings
Initial Offer: $142,280
Sever Walker Padgitt Result:
State: Iowa (Wapello County)
Case Type: Pipeline takings
Initial Offer: $73,341
Sever Walker Padgitt Result:
State: Iowa (Mahaska County)
Case Type: Pipeline takings
Initial Offer: $237,316
Sever Walker Padgitt Result:
State: Iowa (Mahaska County)
Case Type: Pipeline takings
Initial Offer: $70,000
Sever Walker Padgitt Result:
State: Iowa (Mahaska County)
Case Type: Pipeline takings
Initial Offer: $90,000
Sever Walker Padgitt Result:
State: Iowa (Lee County)
Case Type: Pipeline takings
Initial Offer: $59,048
Sever Walker Padgitt Result:
Frequently Asked Questions
Eminent Domain Projects In Iowa
Summit Carbon Solutions
Summit Carbon Solutions' project aims to capture and store 18 million tons of CO2 annually, creating jobs and advancing global climate ...
US 30 (IA 21-US 218)
Road improvements at the intersection of US30 and US218 in Benton Co., Iowa, and road improvement of US30 from the IA21 to US218.
Cardinal Hickory Creek Powerline
A proposed 345 kV, 125-mile power line in Wisconsin & Iowa running from Dubuque Co., Iowa to the Cardinal Substation in Middleton, WI.
How Sever Walker Padgitt Can Help You
As a landowner in Iowa, you deserve to have an expert by your side as you go through the eminent domain process. You’re entitled to fair negotiations, compensation, and relocation benefits—and without an experienced attorney, you could be taken advantage of.
Let the team at Sever Walker Padgitt help to protect your rights. We’ve defended countless landowners like you all across the country and are eager to do the same for you.
Contact Us
Before you go up against Georgia alone, let us give you our opinion. We pledge that we will provide a free case review for any individual or business facing eminent domain or condemnation. Contact us now at 888-318-3761.
* Disclaimer: Form submission doesn’t constitute a client-attorney relationship/contract.