Trusted Eminent Domain Attorneys In Tennessee
Eminent domain is the power of federal, state, or local government to acquire privately-owned land and convert it for public use, such as roads, highways, transportation facilities, schools, public buildings, and sewage systems. However, the government can only exercise this authority by providing just compensation.
Sometimes, private entities may take property through condemnation when granted power by the government. For example, this happened in the controversial Kelo v. City of New London case, where private real estate properties were transferred to another private owner for economic development.
Avoid falling prey to such abuses by working with an eminent domain attorney in Tennessee.
Property Rights In Tennessee
Property owners in Tennessee have the same general rights as those in other states. However, approved legislation aims to reduce eminent domain abuse and protect private ownership rights.
As a landowner, you have the constitutional right to dispute the condemning entity, and demand proof that the property will be taken for public use. And if only necessary to condemn a portion of the land, you’re within legal rights to protect your ownership of the remaining property.
Aside from contesting the condemnation, remember that landowners are entitled to reasonable compensation for the property confiscated. Furthermore, Tennessee law only allows transfer after just compensation.
Even if they are to be compensated, landowners do not have to accept the offer immediately. They can contest the amount, especially if partial condemnation has reduced their property’s market value.
What Do Eminent Domain Attorneys In Tennessee Do?
Eminent domain is a complicated subject matter under land law, and one misstep can adversely affect your case. Instead of going it alone, consider an experienced eminent domain attorney in Tennessee to defend your rights, ensure a fair process, and collect what you deserve.
A lawyer well-versed in eminent domain law can provide the right legal advice applicable to your situation. Situational facts and circumstances vary for every case, which an experienced attorney can handle.
They will also assess the full extent of your damages to estimate just compensation. Apart from your property’s fair market value, they will factor in relocation costs and incidental damages, also known as the devaluation of the remaining property from partial condemnation. Property owners cannot estimate how much they’re owed since they don’t know; a skilled eminent domain lawyer can.
Property owners may be overwhelmed by the intricate procedures for eminent domain and condemnation, leading them to yield rather than challenge the notice. However, if a reputable lawyer handles your case, you won’t have to do as the attorney would manage the particulars.
Case Results
State: Indiana (Marion County)
Case Type: Road projects
Initial Offer: $46,160
Sever Walker Padgitt Result:
State: Indiana (Johnson County)
Case Type: Road projects
Initial Offer: $301,200
Sever Walker Padgitt Result:
State: Indiana (Vigo County)
Case Type: Road projects
Initial Offer: $1,186,000
Sever Walker Padgitt Result:
State: Indiana (Hamilton County)
Case Type: Road projects
Initial Offer: $79,200
Sever Walker Padgitt Result:
State: Georgia (Union County)
Case Type: Road projects
Initial Offer: $454,250
Sever Walker Padgitt Result:
State: Illinois, Sangamon County
Case Type: Road projects
Initial Offer: $125,600
Sever Walker Padgitt Result:
Frequently Asked Questions
Why Tennessee Landowners Should Choose Sever Walker Padgitt
To help you get justice, consult an eminent domain attorney in Tennessee who has the experience and expertise in complex land law.
At Sever Walker Padgitt, we only focus on eminent domain and inverse condemnation cases. We exclusively fight for the rights of property owners, not those who want to take private land and pay a pittance in exchange.
Eminent Domain Projects In Tennessee
The Tennessee Department of Transportation is currently involved in several road projects, which leads to eminent domain cases. If your land is in their path, contact us now for a free legal review.
SR 374 Improvements
Proposed new transportation corridor for State Route 374, west of Clarksville in Montgomery County, extending it for approx. 7.2 miles.
Understand Your Legal Rights Under Eminent Domain
Being involved in an eminent domain case is confusing for the average landowner—something that condemning entities often use to their advantage. Not fully knowing your private ownership rights will likely result in an unfair or low settlement.
In most cases, you cannot stop the condemnation process. However, you can challenge it, take legal action by filing an inverse condemnation, or contest the offered settlement. All of these are within your rights.
If you want to achieve results, hire an eminent domain attorney in Tennessee from Sever Walker Padgitt. Contact us to schedule an initial consultation, or visit our FAQ page for more information.
Contact Us
Before you go up against Georgia alone, let us give you our opinion. We pledge that we will provide a free case review for any individual or business facing eminent domain or condemnation. Contact us now at 888-318-3761.
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