Wisconsin Eminent Domain Attorneys

It is our pledge that we will provide a free case review for any individual or business facing eminent domain or condemnation.

Eminent Domain & Condemnation Attorneys – Wisconsin

Eminent domain in Wisconsin can be fraught with nuanced laws and unfair treatment toward landowners. Fortunately, there’s someone you can trust to hold condemners accountable. Sever Walker Padgitt is your source for the knowledge and expertise required to ensure fairness for all regarding condemnation and eminent domain law.

What Is Eminent Domain Law In Wisconsin?

According to Wisconsin state law, various government and private parties have the right to seize private land and use it for public projects (like the building of pipelines or highways). This right is known as eminent domain. When the parties take the land, the process is known as condemnation.
Though there are laws defining the limits of eminent domain, many condemners take advantage of these laws and do not give landowners the full benefits they deserve.

What Should Landowners Do After Receiving An Eminent Domain Notice In Wisconsin?

Receiving an eminent domain notice can quickly cause your world to come crashing down. You’re losing your land, and maybe even your business space or home. So, where do you go from here?

Follow these steps to ensure the best possible treatment in your eminent domain case:

Case Results

State: Wisconsin (Columbia County)

Case Type: Powerline takings

Initial Offer: $12,500

Sever Walker Padgitt Result:


State: Indiana (Marion County)

Case Type: Road projects

Initial Offer: $46,160

Sever Walker Padgitt Result:


State: Indiana (Johnson County)

Case Type: Road projects

Initial Offer: $301,200

Sever Walker Padgitt Result:


State: Indiana (Vigo County)

Case Type: Road projects

Initial Offer: $1,186,000

Sever Walker Padgitt Result:


State: Indiana (Hamilton County)

Case Type: Road projects

Initial Offer: $79,200

Sever Walker Padgitt Result:


State: Georgia (Union County)

Case Type: Road projects

Initial Offer: $454,250

Sever Walker Padgitt Result:


Frequently Asked Questions

Every landowner is entitled to “just compensation” in exchange for the taking of their land. According to state law, this amount should be equal to or greater than the market value of the land. However, this compensation is not always what it should be, and many landowners walk away with far less than they should. An eminent domain attorney in Wisconsin can help fight for fair compensation in the courts.

There’s no way around it—relocating a home or business can be extremely costly. Whether you’re shopping for a new retail space, investing in land, or buying a home, the law requires your condemner to help pay for these expenses. Hiring an attorney will ensure you receive the full amount you deserve.

Wisconsin law limits the power of condemners in the state, requiring that they must:
– Pay the landowner just compensation.
– Negotiate the offer with the landowner.
– Provide a copy of the appraisal and notice of eminent domain proceedings.

The timeline for eminent domain cases in Wisconsin can vary, depending on factors like whether or not the case requires litigation. Cases that involve litigation can often take up to 12 months or more, while cases that do not require it can be resolved within a few months.
Learn More

Unfortunately, it is very rare for an attorney in Wisconsin to stop the eminent domain process completely unless the condemner has broken the law in some way, such as not using the land for a public purpose. Instead, a skilled attorney typically helps a landowner gain greater compensation and benefits in the courts.

Meet Our Team

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At Sever Walker Padgitt, we pride ourselves on our team’s expertise and dedication. Get to know the faces behind the firm and discover the depth of knowledge and commitment that drives us to achieve the best possible outcomes for you.

How Sever Walker Padgitt Can Help You

If you’re a landowner going through the nightmare of eminent domain and condemnation in Wisconsin, know that Sever Walker Padgitt is by your side. We’ll use our years of experience to fight for justice and ensure you get the greatest possible compensation for your land. Contact our team of experienced condemnation attorneys today to help fight for justice with your eminent domain case in Wisconsin.

Contact Us

Before you go up against Georgia alone, let us give you our opinion. We pledge that we will provide a free case review for any individual or business facing eminent domain or condemnation. Contact us now at 888-318-3761.

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