For many Kentucky landowners eminent domain can be a nerve-racking process.  In very short order eminent domain can quickly upset all of your plans for your property.  In addition, you are asked to make decisions about your property by the eminent domain authority very quickly.  It can all be very overwhelming and the possibilities of making a misstep can be significant.

So the question is: when should you hire/contact a Kentucky eminent domain attorney?

The answer:

1) You should contact an Kentucky eminent domain attorney AS SOON AS YOU BECOME AWARE YOUR PROPERTY IS WITHIN THE PATH OF THE ROUTE. Why this early? It allows your attorney enough time to start building a strategy. More often than not, you can learn the general path of a roadway or project over your property ahead of the appraisal. An experienced eminent domain attorney will automatically spot areas to look out for if the route is known.

2) You should HIRE AN ATTORNEY AS SOON AS YOU ARE PROVIDED AN APPRAISAL BY THE STATE/TOLLWAY/UTILITY COMPANY/ETC. This appraisal will give an experienced eminent domain attorney all he or she needs to know whether you have a case or not. It will provide the exact effect the project will have on your property, and will showcase the exact errors the condemning authority made in the valuation of your property.

Unsure if you should hire an eminent domain attorney? Let Sever Walker Padgitt review your appraisal FOR FREE. Sever Walker Padgitt attorneys are more than happy to take a look at your appraisal and GIVE YOU A FREE CASE REVIEW. No strings, no invoices, no hourly fees; just honest assessment and evaluation free of charge. Our attorneys are standing by, waiting for your call and free appraisal review.

If you are interested in a free consultation or appraisal review, contact our eminent domain landowner attorneys at 888-318-3761 or visit us on the web at