IDOT provided a glimpse to the public of an anticipated project to widen Rte. 47 in Kendall County from Caton Farm Rd. to Il 71. Attorney Jordan Walker from Sever Walker Padgitt was present and answered questions for landowners with regards to the project and just compensation.
The project will require around $2 million in land acquisition and will affect 46 parcels. It is currently in the beginning stage, but phase 1 engineering is anticipated to be finished by the end of 2013. Using this as a barometer, Sever Walker Padgitt expects land acquisition to begin in 2014.
If you think you may be affected by this project and/or would be interested in a free Sever Walker Padgitt speaking arrangement or free consultation, contact our eminent domain landowner attorneys at 1-888-318-3761 or visit us on the web at