The final two phases of the I-69 extension will cost the State of Indiana much more than previously anticipated.
State officials said Tuesday extending I-69 from Bloomington to Martinsville could cost as much as $545.6 million, about $100 million more than the previous high estimate.
The same report that detailed this increase in budget also stated that widening Ind. 37 to freeway specifications and building interchanges along the Bloomington-to-Martinsville route will require the state to acquire at least 346 acres of land, 146 homes and 32 businesses, potentially disrupting the lives of scores of families and 353 workers in Morgan and Monroe counties.
Earlier this fall, Gov. Mitch Daniels said he would be OK with stopping the project there temporarily, while a funding source is sought. Nonetheless, Daniels, and all three candidates vowing to replace him, have been adament that I-69 must be completed.
If you think you may be affected by I-69, contact our office at any time at 1-888-318-3761 or visit us on the web at
Full story.