The Quincy City Council joined the growing list of malcontent cities and villages against the primary route massive Ameren Three Rivers Project Monday, voting unanimously against the proposed project in its neck of the woods.

Landowners echoed the sentiments of the decision during the council meeting Monday.

“The transmission line could easily be there for a century or more so our future generations will have to contend with this location,” Richard Ehrhart with Kohl Wholesale said.

The City would rather the project extend further south then its current planned path.

“We would prefer to see the line go further south to maintain those parcels in large contiguous blocks rather then see it cut up by the transmission line,” Bevelheimer said.

Sever Walker Padgitt is offering its legal services to any landowners that feel they may be affect by the Three Rivers Project. The firm is already representing a Clark County group in the matter.

If you think you may be affected by the Ameren Three Rivers Project and/or would be interested in a free Sever Walker Padgitt speaking arrangement contact our attorneys at any time at 1-888-318-3761 or visit us on the web at