A staunch, vociferous group of Marshall, IL are not going quietly into the night.

At least not without a fight.

Wednesday night, a group, dubbed the Stop the Power Line Coalition, amassed at St. Mary’s Parish hall in Marshal to rally support behind their goal: stop the Ameren Illinois Rivers Project from crossing their land.

While this ole fashion grassroots revival was occurring, across town the Marshall city council unanimously voted in opposition of the cross-state 345 kV transmission line anticipated to begin as early as 2013.

Sever Walker Padgitt has worked closely with this particular group and has already provided two information seminars to the group, informing them of their legal options as they exist at this time.

If you think you may be affected by the Ameren Three Rivers Line or would be interested in a free Sever Walker Padgitt speaking arrangement contact our office at any time at 1-888-318-3761 or visit us on the web at www.landownerattorneys.com.

Full story here.