The $400 million Circle Interchange was not included in the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning’s (CMAP) 40 year regional plan when it was approved. In order for a project to gain federal funding (and in reality for it to be even possible), it needs to be on the regional plan.
On March 8, the project cleared one hurdle toward getting added to that plan and becoming a realistic possibility when it gained recommendation from the CMAP.
The project still requires approval by the CMAP Board and MPO Policy Committee before being officially added to the 40 year plan. Each of these groups will make their final vote next week.
If you think you may be affected by this project and/or would be interested in a free Sever Walker Padgitt speaking arrangement or free consultation, contact our eminent domain landowner attorneys at 1-888-318-3761 or visit us on the web at
Full story here.