Today Ohio Governor John Kasich signed a two-year, $7.6 billion transportation budget bill for the State of Ohio.  The bill will allow speed limits on rural interstates to be increased to 70 mph beginning in July.  It also calls for selling approximately $1.5 billion in bonds from the Ohio Turnpike to fund road projects across the State, although a high percentage of the funds would need to be spent on projects within 75 miles of the Turnpike.  The Governor is optimistic that this budget bill will help to fund some of the projects that have been facing delays recently.  Time will tell which projects are the primary beneficiaries of the new bill.

For more information about the eminent domain attorneys at Sever Storey, or if you are involved in your own eminent domain dispute, please contact our office at any time at 1-888-318-3761 or visit us on the web at

George Padgitt

Sever Storey

Eminent Domain and Condemnation Attorneys for Landowners