It’s $410 million worth of improvements to the most dreaded intersection in the United States, but many are unsure of how much the proposed Circle Interchange will actually “improve” the corner of the Dan Ryan, Kennedy, and Eisenhower Expressways.

 “If you really want to address congestion in a long-term sustainable way, we need to give people alternatives to driving, especially driving alone,” Active Transportation Alliance Executive Director Ron Burke told the Chi.Streets.Blog. “We’re concerned about this emphasis on highway expansion at a time when the experience in Chicagoland and other areas shows us that it is, at best, a short-term solution to roadway congestion. In general it perpetuates land use and travel patterns that make us auto dependent creating a negative feedback loop. It’s not a sustainable way to address congestion.”

8475390031An IDOT rendering of the proposed flyover Halsted St.

Because the proposed Interchange was not proposed in the Chicago Metropolitation Agency for Planning’s 2040 plan, the project cannot move forward until it receives CMAP approval.

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